The Steam Man
Name: Steve
Identity/Class: Robot
Occupation: Servant of Sandy
Affiliations: Sandy (the "Scotty engineer"), Sailor Sam, Jill, Rob
Enemies: Treasure Island gorillas, pirates
Known Relatives: Sandy (the "Scotty engineer", creator)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Treasure Island
Appearance: Knock-Out Comic #1 (Amalgamated Press, March 4th 1939)
Powers/Abilities: Immensely strong and durable. It has a seat mounted on its back to allow a controller to ride on it. Steam Man has a built-in flamethrower and can have his head modified to add a drill, allowing it to bore through the ground at high speed.
History: Jill, Rob, Sandy "the Scotty engineer" and "Sailor" Sam set out to find Treasure Island (apparently on their own, or else everyone else abandoned ship prior to the shipwreck), but were shipwrecked when their vessel, the Shamrock, was run aground on the reefs just off a tropical island by a storm. They realised that the island was their intended destination, but it was inhabited by large and hostile apes, so Sandy struck upon the idea of constructing a robotic "Steam Man" using parts cannibalised from the Shamrock's engines. Dubbing his creation Steve, Sandy piloted the robot as it drove off the gorillas, allowing his fellow survivors to make landfall.
Comments: Created by Joseph Walker. The Steam Man appeared in the first fifty issues of Knock-Out Comic.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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