The Spellbinder
Name: Sylvester Turville
Identity/Class: Human magic user
Occupation: Alchemist
Affiliations: Tom Turville, Roger Bacon, John Dee, Grimalkin
Enemies: Count Grimm, Silas Manson, Crabtree
Known Relatives: Thomas Turville (descendant), Tom's father (descendant, deceased), Cedric Turville (descendant, deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Turville Hall, Suffolk
First Appearance: Lion and Eagle (I.P.C., 3rd May 1969 - 18th May 1974)
Powers/Abilities: An alchemist of great skill, Sylvester Turville had discovered the Philosophers' Stone (Turville's Touchstone), and could cast a wide variety of spells, including shrinking himself and his ancestor to the size of marionettes, reversing or halting aging, entering the worlds within a painting, animating shoes to walk without their wearers or creating a time clock capable of sending someone back into the past. The stone could sustain life in suspended animation, change base metals into gold, and detect evil.
History: In 1458, Sir Hugh
Turville built Turville Hall in the remote heart of the Suffolk countryside.
Over the centuries the family made various alterations and additions to the
hall, but during the Industrial Revolution the family fell on hard times,
and despite the Turvilles making their best efforts to keep the estate in
good order, the building was in disrepair. The family (seemingly) abandoned
it, and it became the haunt of owls and bats, and according to village gossip,
haunted. Legend had it that a great secret was hidden somewhere within -
the key to a fortune.
Over time
the family tree mostly died out, leaving two remaining branches descended
from a pair of brothers (see Comments). The elder brother's grandson, Cedric,
eventually inherited the hall, but never even visited the old house. Meanwhile
the younger brother's son ended up living in South East London with his wife
and son, Tom, with Tom at least unaware of the family's once proud history.
When the childless Cedric died in the late 1960s, it took his solicitors,
Crabtree and Crabtree, a couple of months to process the will and track down
Tom's branch of the family. During this interval, Tom's parents died in a
car crash, leaving him the sole heir and last known surviving member of the
Turville family. Tom had just been forced to sell the family home when he
learned of his second cousin and that he had inherited the estate. Upon
investigating his new property he discovered that a man covered in cobwebs,
sitting at a table in lab within a long forgotten cellar. Wondering if the
unmoving figure was a real person or just an exceptionally lifelike waxwork,
Tom picked up the book the man was pointing at, and found it to be the journal
of Sylvester Turville. Correctly concluding that the figure was Sylvester
and his ancestor, Tom read that Sylvester had discovered the Philosophers'
Stone (Turville's Touchstone), which could give or take life. Noticing Sylvester
was clutching a glowing red gemstone in his left hand, Tom prised Sylvester's
fingers free, careful not to touch the stone itself, and to his amazement
Sylvester immediately began to move and speak, revealing he had accidentally
entrapped himself with a spell and thanking Tom for freeing him after four
centuries. Seeing the family resemblance after Tom introduced himself, the
two bonded, and for several years thereafter they battled villainy and
Comments: Debuting in the first issue of the merged Lion and Eagle, the strip was originally called Turville's Touchstone, before changing to The Spellbinder after a little while.
Tom was Cedric Turville's second cousin, which means they shared great-grandparents. Since both had the Turville name, that presumably means it was Tom's father who was related to Sylvester, not his mother, and that Tom and Cedric's grandfathers were siblings.
of the more dangerous foes the two Turville's faced was Count Grimm, a vampiric
looking sorcerer. They also had an extensive adventure when Sylvester's Time
Clock accidentally sent one Quantin Goddard into the past, where he stumbled
through history accidentally altering history as he went - for instance he
caused Columbus to turn back before discovering the New World, so that by
the 1970's the Aztec Empire had crossed the ocean eastwards instead and was
busy conquering Europe. Then he disturbed Leonardo Da Vinci during the painting
of the Mona Lisa. With his masterpiece ruined, Leonardo gave up that line
of work and instead went back to his science experiments, discovering flight
400 years early, so that by the modern era man had interstellar flight. An
excellent and inventive strip.
Geoff Campion was the artist responsible for Spellbinder. Thanks to Jim Croasdale for this additional information.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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