Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Assassin
Affiliations: Vixen; formerly Crazy Gang
Enemies: Captain Britain, Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock), STRIKE Psi Division
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Electro-Man
Base of Operations: Worldwide, but active mostly in U.K. in the run up to his death.
Appearance: Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain Weekly #243 (Marvel
UK, 5th October 1977)
Powers/Abilities: Slaymaster was a master of armed and unarmed combat, skilled in various martial arts. He could spot opponents vulnerable points, and at close range could strike almost too swiftly to be seen. His left hand was coated in a thick, lethally sharpened callous. He was a disguise master, adopting new identities in seconds. He carried weapons ranging from conventional blades, bombs and firearms to gas guns, explosive bullets, strength-enhancing atomic-wristlets, claw gauntlets and nerve-disrupting Jazzlers; he flew using a jet-belt and had a flying rocket-car. He later wore a costume which boosted his strength (lifting 60 tons) and speed.
Comments: Created by Jim Lawrence and Larry Lieber.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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