Shiwan Khan
Name: Shiwan Khan
Identity/Class: Human with psychic powers
Occupation: Would-be conqueror of the world
Affiliations: Unknown
Enemies: The Shadow, the Avenger
Known Relatives: Genghis Khan (distant ancestor)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Shadow #182 "The Golden Master" (September 15th, 1939)
Powers/Abilities: Shiwan Khan is physically at the peak of human fitness. He is skilled in a variety of forms of combat. His greatest power however is his psychic abilities - he can hypnotise most people in seconds, create mental illusions capable of fooling entire cities, and has demonstrated an unspecified level of telekinesis.
History: Shiwan Khan was a descendant of the infamous Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongol hordes. Like his illustrious ancestor, Shiwan Khan had dreams of conquest, only he would settle for nothing less than ruling the entire world. However he was constantly thwarted by the Shadow.
Comments: In the 1994 movie The Shadow the role of Shiwan Khan was played by John Lone.
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