Name: Romanadvoratrelundar
Identity/Class: Extra-terrestrial / extra-temporal (Gallifreyan)
Occupation: Time Lord; (second and third incarnations) President of the High Council of Gallifrey
Affiliations: The Doctor (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th incarnations); Leela; K-9 Mark I and II; Bernice Summerfield; Adric, Cardinal Braxiatel
Enemies: Daleks; Rassilon; the Doctor (her 3rd and his 8th incarnations respectively); The Enemy
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Fred; Mistress
Base of Operations: (1st incarnation) Gallifrey; then mobile through time and space in the Doctor's TARDIS; (2nd incarnation) Mobile through time and space, then E-Space, Gallfirey, then Etta Prime (prisoner of the Daleks for 20 years), then Gallifrey again; (3rd incarnation) Gallifrey
First Appearance: The Ribos Operation
Comments: Played by Mary Tamm (1st incarnation) and Lalla Ward (2nd incarnation)
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