Robot Smith
Real Name:
Robot Smith
Identity/Class: Robot
Occupation: School pupil
Affiliations: Curly Davis
Enemies: His teacher
Known Relatives: Professor (his creator/"dad")
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: U.K.
First Appearance: Jackpot #1 (IPC, 5th May 1979)
Powers/Abilities: Robot Smith is able to extend his
limbs telescopically. He is also incredibly strong and able to generate
force-fields. In addition he is fitted with a number of pop-out devices,
such as loud speakers.
History: Built by an eccentric scientist who treated him like a real boy, Robot Smith was sent to school where he soon befriended fellow pupil Curly Davis.
Comments: Created by Ken Reid.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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