Name: Professor Tony Farms
Identity/Class: Human altered by mystical means
Occupation: Professor of Paleontology
Affiliations: Vadinho (mentor)
Enemies: Kobras
Known Relatives: Unnamed parents (deceased)
Aliases: None known
Base of
Operations: London, England
First Appearance: L' Uomo puma (a.k.a. Pumaman, ADR Films 1980)
Powers/Abilities: Puma powers - able to use his hands like claws and to perform amazing leaps. Also able to fly, which is unlike any puma I've ever heard of. Able to "jump into space" or teleport himself to any place he knows and can picture in his mind. Also able to go into a coma-like false death.
With the world facing the evil threat of Kobras (Donald Pleasence), an Aztec
shaman named Vadinho seeks out Pumaman, a superhero descended from the gods
themselves. He finds the hero in the form of paleontologist Professor Tony
Farms (played by Walter George Alton), and gives him a mystical belt that
brings out his puma powers (like his father before him). Kobras has stolen
a sacred Aztec mask and intends to use it to mentally dominate a number of
government leaders, thus conquering the world, but he has failed to plan
for the intervention of Pumaman!
Comments: The Italian film this character comes from, is, by all accounts, incredibly bad.
Thanks to Brent Zius and Jake Salter for corrections to this profile.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Puma, a Native American foe of Spider-Man
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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