The Phantom Viking
Real Name:
Olaf Larsen
Identity/Class: Human transformed by magic
Occupation: School teacher
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Big Topp
Known Relatives: Larsen the Liberator (ancestor)
Aliases: Loopy Larsen
Base of Operations: Woodburn School, U.K.
First Appearance: Champion (I.P.C., 22 Feb 66 - 4 Jun 66); Lion (11 Jun 66 - 3 Aug 68)
Powers/Abilities: Flight and superstrength while wearing the helmet. He would lose this strength when the South Wind blew.
History: Olaf Larsen was a meek, bespectacled school teacher
at Woodburn School. One day, while returning to his home past an old Viking
burial ground, he found a helmet with the inscription "Only Larsen the Liberator
and his descendants shall have the power of this helmet, the secret of great
strength and flight." Trying it on, he discovers the truth of this statement,
and becomes the heroic Phantom Viking.
(Untitled, Lion Annual 1969) The Phantom Viking foils the circus themed villain Big Topp when he attempts to kidnap the son of an Australian millionaire.
Olaf Larsen is called "Loopy Larsen" by his students.
Very much a take-off on Marvel's Thor - not only does Olaf Larsen look a lot like Don Blake, but in his Viking persona he makes proclamations like "By the Beard of Odin" and "By Valhalla". As the Viking, Larsen seems to be possessed of a very different personality than in his alter ego.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Thor, from Marvel comics
any other Phantoms or Vikings
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