The Nameless Nazi
Real Name:
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Soldier
Group Membership: German Army, Nazis
Affiliations: Von Kruk
Enemies: Corporal Hayes of the RCMP, Miles Cooper
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operations: Boothia Peninsula, Northern Canada
First Appearance: The Skipper #489 (D.C. Thomson, 13th January 1940)
Powers/Abilities: Seven foot tall, possessing above average strength. Wears an armoured suit.
History: The Nameless Nazi was a gigantic German soldier sent to Canada during the early days of World War II to destroy a secret British science team operating out of "Magnetic Camp", who were trying to tap the Magnetic North Pole's magnetic field to turn it into a defense against the German bombers then attacking the U.K. Corporal Hayes of the RCMP chanced to spot the Germans' Zeppelins arriving, and opposed the invaders.
Comments: None.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints):
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