Ms. Liberty

Real Name: Laura Barnes

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Director of Department Z, former circus performer

Affiliations: Formerly Justice Machine


Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations:

First Appearance: Justice Machine (Comico)

Powers/Abilities: Highly skilled acrobat and escapologist

History: Circus acrobat and escape artist Laura Barnes, a.k.a. Ms. Liberty, pursued and captured a junkie-roustabout who robbed the carnival box office, impressing the Georwellian martial artist Demon. He offered her membership in Justice Machine (without consulting Challenger, the team's leader), and she accepted, thinking it might be interesting and thrilling. She later became the Directress of Department Z, a group of superhuman operatives who work for Zarren (former Chief Prosecutor of Georwell and Justice Machine's arch-enemy), headquartered on the island-nation called the Arriba Atoll.

Comments: Thanks to Carycomic for information about this character.


Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.

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