Name: Dennis Temple
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Actor;
former reporter for the New York Evening Standard
Group Membership:
Affiliations: Rita Wilson (fiancee)
Enemies: Professor Phineas T.Krakpott; Mr.Shoestring, Baron Stube
Relatives: None
Aliases: Blackheart Benny (a role he played)
Base of Operations: Los Angeles
First Appearance: Triple Threat Comics #1 (Gerona / Special Action Comics, Inc, 1945 - see comments)
Powers/Abilities: Good fighter. Employs a variety of gadgets.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Red
Summary: Actor Dennis Temple, best known for playing villains the audience loved to hate in movies made by Monster Pictures, was secretly the masked scourge of crime known as the Menace.
Comments: Menace also appeared in K.O. Comics and Top Spot Comics. Exactly what was his first appearance is unclear - Triple Threat came out in October 1945, K.O. Comics in "Winter" 1945, and Top Spot's release month seems to be unknown.
checklist (not including reprints): Triple Threat Comics#1, Top Spot
Comics#1, KO Comics#1, Red Circle Comics#1
Menace should not be confused with:
First Posted: Circa 14/09/2004
Last updated: 25/05/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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