Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Ruler of Hell
Affiliations: Bellygrunt
Enemies: Satan
Known Relatives: Unidentified mother
Aliases: Mucusface
Base of Operations: Hell
First Appearance: Lucifer #1 (Trident Comics, 1989)
History: Obsessed with Hell since his mother told him to go there when he was a child, an unidentified man concluded he was actually the fallen angel Lucifer. While in hospital after being knocked down by a car he learned that the man in the bed next to him believed his nasal carbuncle actually contained Hell, so Lucifer stole it after the surgeons cut it off, and later used it as part of a ritual to access the underworld. Finding himself in Hell, he posed as the demon Mucusface while making his way to Hell's throneroom, and once there he stabbed the Devil, murdering him and becoming Hell's new ruler.
Comments: Created by Phil Elliot and Eddie Campbell.
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