Le Loup Garou
Name: Victor Valjean
Identity/Class: Unknown
Occupation: Supervillain
Affiliations: Gavilan (apprentice)
Enemies: Unknown
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Spain
First Appearance: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: Unknown
History: Le Loup Garou was a French supervillain who went straight in the final year of his life after he discovered he was dying from cancer. He took the son of a deceased Spanish hero, Altocan, as his apprentice during his last days.
Comments: Created by Jesus Merino, Rafael Marín and Carlos Pacheco. Thanks to Jose Ramon Vidal for informing me of this character and providing information about him, as well as the image above.
As both Jose and Nathan Genovese have pointed out, this character appears to be patterned on a similar looking villain from Marvel Comics, Batroc the Leaper, who likewise hails from France.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Group Larue, a superhero team
Batroc the Leaper, whom he strongly resembles
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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