Real Name: Buzz Blaze
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Unknown
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Unknown
Enemies: Crab-Claw
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of
Operations: California
First Appearance: TV Comic#1377 (Polystyle, 5th May 1978)
Powers/Abilities: Exceptional skateboarder. Rides a powered-skateboard capable of flying.
History: Gifted a high tech skateboard by a strange tramp he had befriended, Californian skateboarder Buzz Blaze became the helmeted vigilante the Kicktail Kid, taking on foes such as the fiendish Chinese master criminal Crab-Claw (who, as his name suggests, had two large crab-like claws in place of hands).
Comments: Created by Scott Goodall and J.L. Ferrer. David Lloyd later took over art chores for the strip.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints): TV Comic #1377 to TV Comic #1427.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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