Keeper of the Dread Sword
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human wielding magical weapon
Occupation: British agent
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Prince Kali
Enemies: Mahahrajah Nizam Khan
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Z78, Keeper of the Peace
Base of Operations: India
Appearance: Adventure #793 (January 9th 1937)
Powers/Abilities: Wields the sacred Sword of Tamerlane, a magical weapon that through silk and steel with equal ease. If anyone other than the Keeper touches the hilt with their bare hands, they die instantly.
History: His identity hidden, the Keeper of the Dread Sword wields a magical blade that is said to control the fate of all Asia; it is the Keeper's role to ensure that it never falls into the wrong hands.
Comments: After debuting in Adventure, the Keeper of the Sword (dropping the "Dread") returned as a comic strip in the 1970's Wizard comic.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints):
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