Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Extra-terrestrial robot
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: Dan Morgan
Enemies: formerly Dan Morgan
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Planet Z
First Appearance: "The Juggernaut from Planet Z," Hurricane (4th July 1964)
Powers/Abilities: Immense strength and durability.
History: When a mysterious planet was spotted moving through the Solar
System towards Earth, countries around the world monitored its progress.
Dubbed Planet Z, as it passed by Earth, an object was fired from its surface,
and sped towards Earth; missiles fired at it simply melted before making
contact, and eventually it came to land in England, in Cumberland's marshland
near a missile testing range.
proved to be a sphere, which disgorged a gigantic robot. Before scientists
could ascertain whether the robot was hostile or not, the army fired on it,
triggering a violent rampage. Eventually however, Morgan managed to calm
the situation, and the Juggernaut became an ally of mankind.
Though the Juggernaut only appeared in Hurricane for about a year, he returned
for one off strips in the 1969 and 1970 Annuals (and possibly others, but
those are the ones I know about).
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Juggernaut, a Marvel comics villain.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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