Judge Dredd
Name: Dredd Takeru
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Judge, primary school teacher
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Chaos
Known Relatives: Dredd Daniel (brother)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: MegaCity Tokyo
Appearance: Weekly Shonen Jump Seasonal Special (Shueisha, 5th November
Powers/Abilities: Dredd is an expert in combat, both armed and unarmed, and a top marksman. He has access to a number of judicial weapons, most commonly and notably his Lawgiver handgun.
History: In 2099 Dredd Takeru maintains law and order as one of MegaCity Tokyo's Judges, who dispense instant justice to the city's criminals, and battles the villainous crime family Chaos. However, this is only a part-time job, and during the day he maintains a second job as a primary school teacher.
Comments: The manga version of Judge Dredd was created by Matsumoto Taiyo and Mitsuyoshi Kenji, based on the character created by John Wagner, Alan Grant and Carlos Ezquerra. He only appeared in a single 45 page story published to coincide with the release of the Sylvester Stallone Judge Dredd movie, though the manga has no resemblance to the film, bar both sharing the same comic book source.
I have to say, I love the mad juxtaposition between Dredd being the brutal and unwavering lawman he is in the original material (the manga Dredd literally shoots both arms clean off one hostage holding crook) with him also being a suit and tie-wearing, unhelmeted guy with male-model looks and styled hair then teaching primary school kids! I've only seen part of this story, and obviously it's in Japanese, which I can't speak, let alone read, so if anyone out there has the whole story, especially if they can translate the text, I'd love to see it!
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Judge Dredd, on whom he is based
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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