Iron Claw
Name: James Benson
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Doctor
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Bob Lane, Patricia Benson, Jack Strong
Known Relatives: Roy Benson (father), Anton Benson (uncle), Culver Benson (uncle), Milly Leach (cousin), Simon Leach (cousin-in-law), Patricia Benson (cousin)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Bensonhurst
First Appearance: The Iron Claw (Columbia, 1941)
The Iron Claw wears a metal hooked hand at the end of his left arm.
History: During a treasure hunt the avaricious brothers Anton and Culver Benson discovered gold on a sunken Spanish galleon, but their hook-handed sailor partner, Captain Flint, seemingly died when their ship was wrecked. Unfortunately for them, almost everyone else in their family was equally greedy, so their nephew James Benson became the Iron Claw, a masked figure with a metal hand, a persona intended to fool his uncles into thinking Flint might be alive and seeking vengeance, then began murdering his relatives so that he alone would claim the treasure.
Comments: Played by Alex Callam.
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