Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: Unknown
Enemies: Stuckyman
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Caped Dicktective
Base of Operations: Glasgow
First Appearance: Electric Soup #1 (Electric Soup Press, 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Helmetman's genitals can grow and change shape to become virtually any device he imagines, including a motorbike, a plane, a bulldozer, etc.
History: Helmetman was a Glaswegian hero with a somewhat unconventional power.
Comments: Created by Tommy Sommerville.
I have to admit, the so-called "adult" humour comics such as Viz and Electric Soup never really appealed to me, largely because their idea of a funny joke seemed to involve toilet humour and swearing. It's what a teenager thinks is adult - "look, it has rude bits in it!" So I admit I am biased when it comes to them, and I very nearly didn't include an entry on Helmetman, not least because finding an image of him that didn't have his genitals on display wasn't easy. What swayed me in his favour at the end of the day was (a) finding a decent (in every sense) colour image of the character, and (b) him being a comparatively rare example of a Scottish character.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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