Han, the Dragon Emperor
Name: Qui Han
Identity/Class: Magical mutate ("mummy")
Occupation: Former Emperor of China
Affiliations: Formerly General Ming Guo
Enemies: Rick O'Connell, Alex O'Connell, Evelyn O'Connell, Zi Yuan, General Ming Guo
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: China
First Appearance: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Powers/Abilities: Han can control the five classic Chinese elements (earth, fire, water, metal and wood) via magic, and possesses superhuman strength and durability. He is an exceptional swordsman and martial artist.
History: A brutal warlord in ancient China, Qui Han eventually conquered the region and pronounced himself the Dragon Emperor. He studied the mystic arts, learning to control the elements, and sought the secret of immortality, and to that end recruited the sorceress Zi Yuan, but after Han had her lover, General Ming Guo, executed, she cursed him, transforming both him and his army into terracotta statues. In the late 1940s Han was revived, and again sought immortality and conquest, but was defeated by the O'Connell family.
Comments: Played by Jet Li.
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