Real Name:
Identity/Class: Terrestrial primate, species uncertain (Yeti)
Occupation: None
Affiliations: Rhurki, Reega the Wise
Enemies: Cash Maddock, Groker
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: initially Himalayas; later mobile across U.S.A.
First Appearance: Lion and Eagle (I.P.C., 3rd May 1969)
Powers/Abilities: Extremely strong, and possessing a metabolism able to shrug off normal animal tranquilisers.
Gargan was the sole surviving specimen of a breed of yeti-like creatures
that roamed the high Himalayas in the distant past. Despite his awesome
appearance, he was as trusting as a faithful dog and as gentle as a lamb.
He was befriended by a hermit, Reega, who lived alone in a humble dwelling
on a tiny mountaintop plateau. One of his few possessions, passed to him
long ago, was an ancient artifact, the Mirror of Life, which was said to
grant each owner wisdom and a long life to use that wisdom to help others.
However, it was also said that should the glass ever be broken, Reega would
perish with it. Nearby villagers, who frequently sought the hermit's counsel,
dubbed him Reega "the Wise," and feared that should he die, disaster would
fall upon all of them.
One day, Gargan
found a young Sherpa infant, orphaned only an hour prior by a blizzard. Naming
the boy Rhurki, Reega took the child in and raised him as his own son. Rhurki
grew up with Gargan as his playmate and best friend, and the creature would
do anything for him. Sadly, their idyllic (if cold) life was eventually
disrupted. When Rhurki was in his teens, an American fairground owner called
"Cash" Maddock and his assistant Groker came to the mountain on a hunting
trip. Always on the lookout for new attractions, Cash spotted Gargan and
swiftly shot him with a transquiliser. However, this failed to bring Gargan
down, and he and Rhurki fled to Reega's home with Cash and Groker in pursuit.
As they too entered the dwelling, Cash tried to shoot Gargan again, but the
creature slapped the rifle from his hand at Rhurki's command. It smashed
apart against the wall, just under the Mirror, prompting a horrified Rhurki
to warn Gargan to be careful, reminding him that Reega might die if it were
damaged. Hearing this, Cash snatched the Mirror and threatened to break it
if Gargan did not come with him, and Rhurki too, to control his friend. To
spare his father's life, and with Cash's (false) assurance that he would
return the mirror and release them once Gargan had made him a million dollars,
Rhurki agreed. Cash, naturally, intended to break the deal, tame Gargan by
force, and then kill Rhurki. Thus began a series of adventures which saw
Gargan and his friend visit the United States. As well as taking on Cash
and seeking to reclaim the mirror, they also had to contend with a strange
hermit who hypnotised Gargan to commit robberies.
Comments: Created by Solano Lopez.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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