Name: Larry Davis
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Comedian
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Lazar, Cheval, Slippery Sam, Doc Gimmick
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: The Comic Crimebuster
Base of Operations: Empire City
First Appearance: Funnyman #1 (Magazine Enterprises Of Canada, 1948)
Powers/Abilities: A variety of special equipment, all with a practical joke theme. Fights using a slapstick style.
History: Larry Davis was a successful comedian whose manager, June Farrell, cooked up a publicity stunt which she felt would enhance his career. Wearing a humorous costume and false rubber nose, Larry would pretend to stop a fake robbery carried out by her assistant, Happy. However on the day Larry accidentally picked a real robbery, managing to catch the criminal using a seltzer bottle. Finding that he enjoys taunting crime and stopping villains with "jabs and gags", he tells June not to reveal that it was him who stopped the theft, and becomes The Funnyman, Empire City's newest crimefighter.
As well
as the underworld, Funnyman also faced Laffman and Comicman, two would-be
heroes who tried to steal his schtick. They aren't really enemies, but they're
certainly not friends either.
Comments: Created by Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster, who also created Superman.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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