Bruce Foresight
Real Name: Bruce
Identity/Class: Unrevealed
Occupation: School boy
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: Unidentified mother
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unidentified U.K. town or village
First Appearance: Buster (26th April 1980)
Powers/Abilities: Bruce is gifted with precognitive flashes. However he doesn't tend to be able to interpret them too well.
Height: Unrevealed - appears about
average for his age
Weight: Unrevealed - appears slightly slim for his height
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed - black or brown
Summary: Gifted (or cursed) with visions of any imminent disasters about to happen to him in the near future, Bruce would desperately try to avoid them, only to find that more often than not the actions he took to negate the visions instead brought them about.
Comments: Created by Rob Lee.
Since it might not be obvious to those outside of Britain, Bruce is named after British game show host Bruce Forsyth, whose career spanned over seven decades and was an icon of British television.
checklist (not including reprints): Buster from 26th April 1980
until 27th September 1980 (19 issues); Buster Holiday Special 1981; Buster
Book 1982
Bruce Foresight should not be confused with:
First Posted: 11/11/200x
Last updated: 11/11/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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