el Borbah
Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Normal (!) human
Occupation: Private investigator
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Unknown
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Unnamed city.
First Appearance: Raw Comics (Fantagraphics)
Powers/Abilities: About as strong as a normal human can get. Skilled fighter.
History: El Borbah is a private eye who works his cases while dressed like a Mexican wrestler, in purple tights and mask. Weighing four hundred pounds and living off junk food and beer, his main investigative techniques seem to be talking tough, having a short temper, and smashing things until someone tells him what he wants to know. He works on bizarre, noir style cases, involving kooks, freaks and mad scientists.
Comments: Created, written and drawn by Charles Burns for Fantagraphics. There were five El Borbah stories.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
or any other Mexican masked wrestler.
Sonambulo, another masked wrestler detective
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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