Dreidel Maidel
Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Mutated human
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: The Jewish Hero Corps
Enemies: Fobots, Apathons, Haman
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: Emerald Hurricane, Hurrican Heroine
Base of Operations: Orbiting HQ
First Appearance: Animated Comic as featured piece in Quarterly multimedia Magazine CD-Jemm, number 2, Autumn, 1996
Powers/Abilities: Able to manipulate the alignment of electron orbits, allowing her to spin around at tremendous speeds faster than the human eye can follow. Able to fly, see, hear, think and react with computer quickmess.
History: Unknown
Comments: Created by Alan Oirich. Image on this page very kindly supplied by him (and remains his copyright).
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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