Diana the Huntress
Real Name: Diana
Identity/Class: Deity
Occupation: Goddess of the Hunt
Group Membership: Gods of Olympus
Affiliations: Zeus, Mercury, Hercules, Discordia
Enemies: Count Vesti, Kashgar,, Gordus the Titan, Argus
Known Relatives: Zeus (father), Apollo (brother)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mount Olympus
Appearance: Yellowjacket Comics #1 (E.
Publishing/ Frank Communale, September 1944)
Powers/Abilities: Able to fly, possesses superhuman strength and agility. Has a "robe of concealment" which allows her to pass as a mortal. Lethally accurate with a bow; carries a magical bow and golden arrows.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blonde
Summary: Diana the Huntress ventured forth from Mount Olympus at the order of her father Zeus, king of the gods, to fight evil and defend the weak. Anyone who found one of her arrows could also summon her aid.
Comments: Created by an unknown writer and Burton Geller (artist). Diana appeared in all ten issues of Yellowjacket Comics.
Zeus ordered other gods to help out too, and also stepped in personally to protect the people of Greece and fight the Nazis. Hercules and Mercury also assisted the Allies, while Discordia used her abilities to gather intelligence from Nazi officers.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints): Yellowjacket Comics#1-10
Diana should not be confused with
First Posted: Circa 14/09/2003
Last updated: 06/05/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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