Astrotrain, Battletrap, Beastbox, Blitzwing, Buzzsaw, Cindersaur,
Counterpunch/Punch, Crankcase, Cyclonus, Dirge, Flamefeather, Flywheels,
Frenzy, Galvatron, Laserbeak, Megatron, Octane, Overkill, Pounce, Quake,
Ramjet, Ratbat, Ravage, Reflecto (Spectro, Spyglass, Viewfinder), Ruckus,
Rumble, Runabout, Runamuck, Scourge, Shockwave, Sixshot, Skywarp, Slugfest,
Soundwave, Sparkstalker, Squawktalk, Starscream, Thrust, Thundercracker,
Trypticon, Windsweeper, Wingspan
Purpose: The total dominance and conquest of the entire universe and to enslave all sentient beings; the defeat of the Autobots and any resistance or opposition forces
Affiliations: Decepticon Subgroups including;
Action Masters (Axer, Banzai-Tron, Gutcruncher, Krok, Treadshot);
Combaticons (Blast Off, Brawl, Onslaught, Swindle, Vortex who combine into Bruticus);
Constructicons (Bonecrusher, Hook, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Scavenger, Scrapper who combine into Devastator);
Headmasters (Apeface, Fangry, Horri-Bull, Mindwipe, Scorponok, Skullcruncher, Snapdragon, Squeezeplay, Weirdwolf);
Insecticons (Barrage, Bombshell, Chop Shop, Kickback, Ransack, Shrapnel, Venom);
Micromasters (Airwave, Barricade, Blackjack, Blackout, Bombshock, Cement-Head, Detour, Direct-Hit, Dropshot, Excavator, Fireshot, Flattop, Greasepit, Grit, Ground Hog, Growl, Half-Track, Hammer, Hyperdrive, Knockout, Meltdown, Motorhead, Nightflight, Power Punch, Road Hugger, Roller Force, Roughstuff, Skyhopper, Skystalker, Sledge, Spaceshot, Stonecruncher, Storm Cloud, Tailwind, Terror-Tread, Tracer, Vanquish, Whisper);
Powermasters (Darkwing, Dreadwind);
Predacons (Divebomb, Headstrong, Rampage, Razorclaw, Tantrum who combine into Predaking);
Pretenders (Bludgeon, Bomb-Burst, Bugly, Carnivac, Finback, Iguanus, Octopunch, Roadblock, Roadgrabber, Skullgrin, Snarler, Stranglehold, Submarauder, Thunderwing);
Pretender Monsters (Birdbrain, Bristleback, Icepick, Scowl, Slog, Wildfly who combine into Monstructor);
Seacons (Nautilator, Overvite, Seawing, Skalar, Snaptrap, Tentakill who combine into Piranacon);
Stunticons (Breakdown, Dead End, Drag Strip, Motormaster, Wildrider who combine into Menasor);
Targetmasters (Misfire, Needlenose, Slugslinger, Spinister, Triggerhappy);
Terrorcons (Blot, Cutthroat, Hun-Grrr, Rippersnapper, Sinnertwin who combine into Abominus)
sometimes Doubledealer
Enemies: The Autobots, "Sparkplug" Witwicky, Spike Witwicky, Chip
Chase, Daniel Witwicky, Wreck-Gar and the Junkions, the Nebulons, the
Quintessons, the Sharkticons, Unicron
sometimes Doubledealer
Base of Operations: Cybertron; previously utilized an underwater base during their activities on Earth; were later exiled to a planetoid known as Charr
First Appearance: The Transformers, "More than Meets the Eye" (September 17, 1984)
History and Comments: see Transformers
Profile by Michael Higuchi
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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