Captain Justice
Name: Lance Harwood
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Journalist
Affiliations: Susan Towers, Shadow (his horse)
Enemies: Squint Malone
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Unknown
Base of Operations: Sydney Town and Australian Outback / frontier,
later American Wild West
Appearance: Fatty Finn's Comic
Powers/Abilities: Good fighter, skilled in surviving in the Outback.
History: While acting the cultured gentleman outwardly, journalist Lance Harwood was secretly the masked crimefighter Captain Justice, bringing down outlaws and "bushrangers" in Australia's Outback. Often accused of being a bushranger himself, he was often in danger of being shot by state troopers; for his part, he was more concerned with justice than the law, and given the option would try and talk criminals into giving themselves up rather than killing them. After a while he travelled to America to fight criminals in the Wild West too.
Comments: Created by Monty Wedd.
to Copper for additional info.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Captain Justice, Once A Hero
Captain Justice, Canadian hero
any other Captains
Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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