Buurman (Man-next-door / male neighbour)
Real Name:
Identity/Class: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown - but spends months at sea, so probably something nautical.
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Unknown
Known Relatives: Buurvrouw (wife, deceased).
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: The Netherlands
First Appearance: Doorzon
Powers/Abilities: Able to fly
History: Buurman used to be a superhero, able to fly when he tied a blue-and-white checkered dish-towel around his neck. A hen-pecked man, he nonetheless would sneak out to save people and animals in need of rescuing - although he wasn't always very good at it, as when he tried to save a circus elephant from an oncoming train. He flew down to try and push it off the tracks, miscalculated slightly, and landed...somewhere dark and smelly.
Buurman was employed in a job that took him away to sea for months at a time, and unknown to him, his neighbour John Doorzon developed a crush on Buurman's beautiful wife. However it was John's young son Ronnie who ended up having an affair with Buurvrouw (lit. Woman-next-door or the female variant of 'neighbour'). Upon discovering this, Buurman became despondant and tried to commit suicide by jumping off the roof of his house. When he did this, he landed on his cheating spouse, and accidentally killed her.
Comments: Created by Gerrit de Jager.
Thanks to Jane Starz for additional information. She writes "Buurman is a character from the great comic series called "Doorzon". The comic focuses on the family named Doorzon, who live in a very normal house that has recently been constructed. During the years the artist - Gerrit de Jager - has introduced new characters and abused them horrifically. *grin*
In the first few comic books, next to the Doorzon lives "Buurvrouw" She's all John Doorzon ever dreamed of: high heels, big boobs, long legs, long blond hair. She, however, is married to Buurman (lit. Man-next-door or the male variant of 'neighbour'), who is a small, balding man who spends months at sea. This gives Buurvrouw the perfect excuse to cheat on him - with the John's son, Ronnie Doorzon (aged 12). This causes Buurman to become suicidal, he tries things from hanging himself, hari kiri, to jumping off the roof. During one of these attempts, he lands on his wife, who does not survive.
A few comic books later, in "Buuv' Memoires van een buurman. (Memoires of a neighbor)", the main character of the series John finds old pictures, and talks to his grandson about the good old days. In these flashbacks, it becomes apparent that though Buurman has been oppressed by his wife, he can strap on his blue-and-white-checkered dish-towel and fly, to safe people and animals in need of rescuing. Sadly, most of this goes awry."
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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