Name: Robert Blake
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Teacher
Affiliations: Unknown
Enemies: The Banshee
Known Relatives: Unidentified grandfather (a former Indian scout)
Aliases: Buckskin Blake
Base of Operations: U.S.A.
First Appearance: Super-Mystery Comics vol.2 #1 (Ace Periodicals)
Powers/Abilities: Skilled fighter and woodsman.
Having learned a variety of skills from his grandfather, a former Indian
Scout, Robert Blake decided to inspire his students by fighting crime as
the costumed hero Buckskin.
Comments: Image used on left of this page courtesy of Darrin Wiltshire's Micro Heroes site, used with permission.
Thanks to Joe Bromhead for information on this character.
Thanks to Jess Nevins for allowing me to use information from his excellent Golden Age Heroes Directory. Thanks also to Richard Boucher & Darrin Wiltshire @ PR-Publications for permission to use information from their equally brilliant collection of Golden Age Sites, PR Publications. Their knowledge of Golden Age characters far outstrips my own.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source.