Real Name:
Identity/Class: Mutated mouse
Occupation: Would-be world conqueror
Affiliations: Pinky; Billie, Roman Numeral One
Enemies: Any who oppose him; Elmira; Snowball
Known Relatives: Roman Numeral One
Aliases: Abraham Lincoln; Big Head, Big Johnny Brain Jones Peachpit Bill Boone Crockett, Bob Del Monte, Chairman of the House Un-American Artistic Committee; Brainatra; Brain Doggie, an aloof Bohemian nomad from parts unknown; Brainodo, Brain Piccadilly, Brain-2-Me-2, Brainy Jack, Brainy the Elf, Brainy the Pooh; Brother Brain, Bubba Bo Bob Brain, Calvin Brain, Cappy Brain, Captain Brain, The Chairman, Cher, Chief of Staff Brain, Counselor Brain; Czar Brain; Derivation of Applied DNA, Dr. Ingmar Hostwax, Don Cerebro de la Mancha, Ed McMahon for Publisher's Smearinghouse; Egghead, Eggy, Emperor of Earth, Farmer Brain, The Fog, General Brain, General Jones, Grey Squirrel, Guru Mous-arishi, Harold Foster Brain, Herr Brain; Hippy, Iconoclast, Jacques Cousteau, Jamal Spelling, Jean-Claude Brain, Jimmy Brain, John Brain; King Khufu, Lewd Finkel from the Pulizer Prize committee, Little Baby Brain, Lord Brain of Lumfordchestishire, Man, Mr.Brain, Mr. Brainslowski, Mr. Feldman, Mr.Kowasocki, Mr. Perkins, an average non-descript motorist; Mr. Ramplik, Monsieur Jean Jacques Jean-Jean Jean, The Most Exalted Ned Limpopo, Prime Minister of Brainania; Mouse of La Mancha, Muhammed Al Ba Brain, Noodle Noggin; Norman Brain, The Overlord, Overlord Brain, Pork Pie, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of Small Club for Men; Richard Simmons, Robin Brain; Silly, Sparky la Braina, the world's keenest baseball mind; Steven Speilbrain, Toulouse Le Brain, Artise Modern; Wernher Von Brain from the Braun Institude in Bonn; Wolfgang Brain, World's Best Director
Base of Operations: The Lab
First Appearance: Animaniacs (September 1993)
Other Appearances: Pinky and the Brain (1995)
Powers/Abilities: None, but he is incredibly intelligent - or so he claims.
History: "They're Pinky and the Brain, yes Pinky and the Brain;
One is a genius, the other's insane;
Two laboratory mice, their genes have been spliced;
Before each night is done their plan will be unfurled;
By the dawning of the sun they'll take over the world;
Their twilight campaign is easy to explain;
To prove their mousy worth, they'll take over the earth;
They're Pinky, They're Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Narf."
Brain is a laboratory mouse who has gained superhuman intelligence. Now, along with his sidekick Pinky, each night he attempts to take over the world, with hair brained scheme after hair brained scheme.
Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky Try to take over the world.
Brain was voiced by Maurice LaMarche and Pinky by Rob Paulsen.
Initially debuting as part of the Animaniacs cartoon, Pinky and Brain soon got their own show. Each night they would try to take over the world, and each night they would fail, but that would never put the two of them off. In spite of his inane stupidity causing many of Brain's plans to fail, Brain still goes nowhere and does nothing without Pinky, his fellow lab mouse. I guess at some level Brain considers Pinky his friend, although it's doubtful he would admit it.
When they got their own show, the two gained a larger supporting cast, including rival evil genius Snowball (voiced by Roddy McDowell), female lab rat Billie (Tress MacNeille) and Roman Numeral One, aka Romy, the clone "son" of both Pinky and Brain (voiced alternately by each of the leads).
Pinky was probably best defined by his continual non-sequiturs to Brain's standard question: Pinky, are you pondering what Im pondering?, to which his cohort would reply I think so, Brain, but where will we get 2 tons of whipped cream and a diving suit at this time of night?" or something equally bizarre.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
The Brain, Canadian hero
Brain Boy, Dell superhero
Brainchild, enemy of the Tick
Brainmaster, Australian superhero
Brainstorm, member of the O-Men
Brian's Brain, supercomputer from Smash!
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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