Bounty Hunter
Name: Darren Walters
Identity/Class: Enhanced human/cyborg
Occupation: Professional bounty hunter
Affiliations: Head of Capture Incorporated, ally of Team Supreme, works freelance for US government, Rabid, Skyman
Enemies: Fetch (doppleganger of his wife), Technomancer
Known Relatives: Natasha Walters (wife)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Capture Inc. head office in New York City; he himself is usually mobile.
First Appearance: Bounty Hunter #0 (as yet unpublished, Capture Comics)
Powers/Abilities: Unknown.
History: Unknown.
Comments: Created by Sean Koury, copyright to him. His official blog is here. Published by Capture Comics. Thanks to Sean for additional information and images.
Bounty Hunter will be appearing in the War of the Independents.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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