The Blue Dwarf

Real Name: Sapathwa

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Highwayman.

Affiliations: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Dick Turpin, Tom King

Enemies: Unknown

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unknown

First Appearance: The Blue Dwarf (E.Harrison, 1861)

Powers/Abilities: Good fighter

History: The Blue Dwarf was an anti-hero who turned up alongside guest stars like Dick Turpin. Secretly he was a nobleman who lost his rightful inheritance due to his unconventional looks, he became highwayman, and mentor to the famed Turpin.

Comments: Created by Lady Esther Hope, illustrated by Roger Prowse Sr.

Many thanks to Terry Hooper for informing me of this character and providing me with information and  the topmost picture. Thanks to Mack Lambert for supplying his real name.

CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with

Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.

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