Black Cobra
Name: Steve Drake
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: FBI Agent
Affiliations: Cobra Kid
Enemies: Adam Cleve, Dr. Death, Senor Diablo
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operations:
Appearance: Black Cobra #1 (Ajax,
October-November 1954)
Powers/Abilities: Black Cobra's suit is made of a special plastic of his own invention, and is so bulletproof that he can take being shot without even being bruised through it. His boots contain powerful suction cups, allowing him to run up and down vertical walls with ease. He also drives a "super-car." Some part of becoming the Black Cobra involves a transformation, as on one occasion he finds himself unable to switch to his alter ego thanks to having been drugged.
Comments: A revived and revamped version of Black Cobra, with a sufficiently different background to qualify as a new character for this site's purposes.
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