Big Shot
Real Name:
First Appearance: The Tick
Known Relatives:
Base of Operations:
History: Big Shot is a gun-happy vigilante whoso enjoys shooting at things that he sometimes runs out of ammo before he reaches the scene of the crime because he has been firing at things en route, blasting his skull insignia into inanimate objects on the way. His fellow heroes have tried to get him to cut back on the violence, even convincing him to seek psychiatric help, which barring the odd relapes, seems to have worked fairly well. At the Tick's suggestion he has taken up photography as a substitute for firearms, though his tendancy to point his camera at his targets and yell "Freeze!" can be a little worrying.
Powers/Abilities: Big Shot carries a large number of weapons and enjoys firing them.
Comments: His voice was provided by Kevin Schon in the cartoon series.
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