Batman Beyond

"Batman Beyond" takes place in the future of the D.C. universe, where Bruce Wayne has retired from the mantle of Batman and teenager Terry McGinnis takes on the mantle while Bruce works as his field commander, helping Terry fight a new generation of villains. The voice actor used for Bruce was the same one as in Batman: The Animated Series, confirming this as all part of a single cartoon timeline, which also encompasses Justice League, Superman: The Animated Series and Static Shock; there have been crossovers between these shows.

New characters

Batman (Terry McGinnis)

Dana Tan

D.A. Sam Young

Fingers the Gorilla

Howard Groot

Mary McGinnis

Matt McGinnis

Max Gibson

Warren McGinnis

Dr. Peter Corso

The April Moon Gang (Kneejerk, Terrapin, Krul, Bullwhip)


Big Time

The Brain Trust (Bombshell, Invulnerable Man, Albino, Tamara)


Derek Powers/Blight

Dr. Cuvier

False Face

Sneak Peek


The Jokerz,

The Kobras

Mad Stan

Ma Mayhem and her boys

Melanie Walker/Ten

Mr. Fixx

Nelson Nash


Paxton Powers

Mr. Price

The Repeller

Robert Vance

Royal Flush Gang (Future Version)


Spellbinder (not the comics version)


The Terrific Trio (2-D Man, Magma, Freon)

Earth Mover

Willie Watt


Aquagirl (not the comic version, a descendant of Aquaman)



Big Barda (Future Version)

Green Lantern (Future Version)

Dee Dee

So which mainstream D.C. characters have counterparts in this reality?

Lead characters: Batman (Terry - see above)

Supporting cast, etc: Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake

Fellow heroes: Superman

Villains: Mr. Freeze, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Joker (now digitised and able to possess people), Harley Quinn (now Nana Harley);
Cameo: Bane (old version)

"Batman Beyond" takes place in the future where Bruce Wayne retires from the mantle of Batman and teenager Terry McGinnis takes on the mantle as Bruce works as his field commander as Terry fights a new generation of villains.

Thanks to Arthur Denorfia Jr. for information used on this page.

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