Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Unrevealed
Occupation: Professional criminal
Group Membership: Bestiary
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Blackheart, Valentine
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Philadelphia
Appearance: Heroic Tales#10 (Lone Star
Press, May 2000)
Powers/Abilities:Bandersnatch is able to transform from a human into a monstrous humanoid creature with fangs and claws, becoming stronger and more durable to an unspecified but apparently superhuman degree. He possesses claws capable of rending through supposedly indestructible materials with ease. He also heals regeneratively from even the most severe of injuries in mere minutes, easily surviving being impaled through the chest as a result.
Height: Unrevealed; his human form
appears average or slightly below, but he gains several inches when he
transforms into his monster persona
Weight: Unrevealed; he's presumably well above average weight in
his bulky monstrous form.
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed, but a dark colour in human form; in monster
form he appears to be hairless
Summary: Able to turn into a monster, Bandersnatch is the most wanted super criminal in Philadelphia, an occasional member of the mercenaries known as the Bestiary, and a foe of Blackheart of the Pantheon.
History: (Heroic Tales#10) - Learning where Bandersnatch was hiding out from an informant the vigilante Blackheart confronted the criminal in his lair as he was relaxing in his human form. Cocky upon seeing that Blackheart had come solo, Bandersnatch transformed and attacked, initially gaining the upper hand as his claws easily sliced through Blackheart's supposedly indestructible costume, but Blackheart tricked his foe into impaling himself on a metal pole, bracing it like a lance as Bandersnatch lunged. The villain passed out cursing his foe's dishonorable tactics, after which Blackheart pulled out the impromptu stake so that Bandersnatch would not perish. Aware Bandersnatch was already regenerating, Blackheart called in his sidekick Valentine and instructed the lad to hold open the wound so he could burn his heart mark into Bandersnatch's heart; Blackheart was always aware of the location of anyone thus branded, as well as of anything they said or did, so by thus secretly branding Bandersnatch in a hidden location no one could see, Blackheart had turned the unwitting villain into his spy within the Bestiary.
Comments: Created by Bill Willingham and
Bobby Diaz.
checklist (not including reprints): Heroic Tales#10
Bandersnatch should not be confused with:
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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