Armada Man
Real Name:
Armada Man
Identity/Class: Robot (later robot bonded with extra-terrestrial)
Occupation: Superhero
Affiliations: Canadian Liberty League
Enemies: Fogg
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Hidden base in the Laurentian Mountains
First Appearance: Canadian Liberty League #1 (Viking Comics)
Powers/Abilities: Unknown - superhuman strength and resistance to damage seem likely.
Armada Man was a robot built by the Canadian Liberty League to use as a weapon
against their recurring opponent, the Fogg. Earning the team's respect, he
was soon given full membership in the team. Later on in his career, a dying
alien merged it's life force with Armada Man, turning the two into one Unaging,
he remains a member of the League.
Comments: Created by Tyrone Biljan. Images and characters are and © 1999 to him.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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