Agniputra / Abhay
Real Name:
Identity/Class: (as Abhay) Normal human, uses high tech equipment. (as Agniputra) unknown
Occupation: Superhero
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Unknown
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: Other than the two identities above, none known
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: Abhay uses state of the art equipment. Agniputra's powers are unknown.
History: Abhay is a heroic crimefighter who uses high tech equipment in his battles. But when gadgetry fails his "divine other self" takes over.
ABHAY is a dare-devil hero, while AGNIPUTRA is like a guiding angel to him. And what a superb combination they make. ABHAY fights crime with the help of the state-of-the art technology. But as you know, sometimes gimmicks fail and then AGNIPUTRA-his other divine self-comes to his rescue. Faced with equally resourceful enemies, the duo have to perform their best, always. The result is a never-ending series of nail-biting encounters, which thrill and humour you simultaneously.
Comments: I'm not sure what exactly is the relationship between these two - whether they count as separate entities (connected say like Captain Marvel and Rick Jones), or whether Agniputra and Abhay are two aspects of one man (like Bruce Banner and the Hulk).
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Agni, Indonesian hero
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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