The Robonic Stooges
Larry, Curly, Moe
Purpose: To fight crime and protect the Earth
Affiliations: Agent 000, Agent 111, Superhero Employment Agency
Enemies: Professor Cluck, Ugh the Pug, Shark Yo Yo, Dr. Crackula, Ludwig Lillyput, Klondike Mike, Mother Goose, Tricker Mortis, Ethel Methel, Mr. Toy Ploy, Coach Roach, Blackbear, Amazing Bongo Brothers, Pierre LeSly, Count von Crankenstein, Professor Hate, Mouse Louse, Dr. Glueco, Cardinal Poreleau, Yulesinner, Aristotle Beastly, Blooperman, Galacto
Base of Operations: "The 3 Stooges Junk Company," unidentified U.S. city
First Appearance: The Robonic Stooges, part of The Skatebirds (Hanna-Barbera, September 10th, 1977)
Summary:"Built from the world's finest electronic parts, designed to be the world's most perfect electronic robots, the Robonic Stooges" were a trio of heroes who worked for Agent 000 of the Superhero Employment Agency.
History: (Episode#01 - Invasion of the Incredible Giant Chicken) -
(Episode#02 - Dimwits and Dinosaurs) -
(Episode#03 - Fish and Drips) -
(Episode#04 - Have Saucer Will Travel) -
(Episode#05 - I Want My Mummy) -
(Episode#06 - The Great Brain Drain) -
(Episode#07 - Flea Fi Fo Fum) -
(Episode#08 - Frozen Feud) -
(Episode#09 - Mother Goose on the Loose) -
(Episode#10 - Curly of the Apes) -
(Episode#11 - Don't Fuel with a Fool) -
(Episode#12 -
The Eenie Meanie Genie) -
(Episode#13 - On Your Knees, Hercules) -
(Episode#14 - Rub a Dub Dub, Three Nuts in a Sub) -
(Episode#15 - There's No Joy in an Evil Toy) -
(Episode#16 - Three Little Pigheads) -
(Episode#17 - Bye Bye Blackbeard) -
(Episode#18 - The Silliest Show on Earth) -
(Episode#19 - Mutiny on the Mountie)
(Episode#20 - Woo Woo Wolfman) -
(Episode#21 - Burgle Gurgle) -
(Episode#22 - Schoolhouse Mouse) -
(Episode#23 - Rip Van Wrinkles) -
(Episode#24 - The Three Nutsketeers) -
(Episode#25 - Pest World Ain't the Best World) -
(Episode#26 - Superkong) -
(Episode#27 - Dr. Jekyll and Hide Curly) -
(Episode#28 - Three Stooges and the Seven Dwarfs) -
(Episode#29 -
Blooperman) -
(Episode#30 - Jerk in the Beanstalk) -
(Episode#31 - Star Flaws) -
(Episode#32 - Stooges, You're Fired) -
(The Robonic Stooges#1 "The Imbecile Gauntlet") -
(The Robonic Stooges#1/2 "Fright at the Museum") -
(The Robonic Stooges#2 "Fantastic Fools") -
(The Robonic Stooges#/2/2 "The Island of DrEams") -
(The Robonic Stooges#3 "Days of Dunderheads Past") -
(The Robonic Stooges#3/2 "Dangerously Stupid") -
(The Stooge Wars#1) -
Comments: Created by Norman Maurer, with the characters based on the comedy team the Three Stooges.
The series originally aired as a segment in the mostly live action series The Skatebirds, starting from September 10th and running until December 24th 1977, for a total of sixteen cartoons each of around 6 minutes duration. Following The Skatebird's cancellation the Stooge cartoons continued in their own show, which ran from January 28th to March 18th 1978; each episode had two Stooge segments, with the run time padded out by the inclusion of rerun episodes of the cartoon Clue Club (a discount Scooby-Doo clone) under the new name of Woofer and Wimper, Dog Detectives.
With the cancellation of their show the Robonic Stooges dropped out of sight for many years, but in 2021 American Mythology Comics produced a number of new adventures for the characters.
Despite the name Robonic suggesting Bionic as well as Robotic, and thus giving the impression that the lead trio might be cyborgs, the show's opening seems to clearly establish that the Stooges are purely robotic; presumably the "onic" part of their name hints at them being "moronic," an insult the real life characters often threw at one another, rather than "bionic."
Appearance checklist (not including reprints): (television)
Robonic Stooges episodes #1-16 as part of The Skatebirds; Robonic Stooges
episodes #17-32 as part of the Robonic Stooges cartoon;
(comics) The Robonic Stooges#1-3 (2021); Robonic Stooges:
Stooge Wars#1
Larry Real Name: Larry Identity/Class: Robot Occupation: Superhero Group Membership: The Robonic Stooges Affiliations: Superhero Employment Agency Enemies: Professor Cluck, Ugh the Pug, Shark Yo Yo, Dr. Crackula, Ludwig Lillyput, Klondike Mike, Mother Goose, Tricker Mortis, Ethel Methel, Mr. Toy Ploy, Coach Roach, Blackbear, Amazing Bongo Brothers, Pierre LeSly, Count von Crankenstein, Professor Hate, Mouse Louse, Dr. Glueco, Cardinal Poreleau, Yulesinner, Aristotle Beastly, Blooperman, Galacto Known Relatives: None Aliases: None Base of Operations: "The 3 Stooges Junk Company," unidentified U.S. city First Appearance: The Robonic Stooges, part of The Skatebirds (Hanna-Barbera, September 10th, 1977) Powers/Abilities: Larry is a robot who possesses telescopic limbs and a telescopic neck. He has a level of superhuman strength, and his chest unit is hollow and holds a variety of gadgets, accessible through the letter on his chest. Height: History: Comments: Voiced by Joe Baker.
Real Name: Curly Identity/Class: Robot Occupation: Superhero Group Membership: The Robonic Stooges Affiliations: Superhero Employment Agency Enemies: Professor Cluck, Ugh the Pug, Shark Yo Yo, Dr. Crackula, Ludwig Lillyput, Klondike Mike, Mother Goose, Tricker Mortis, Ethel Methel, Mr. Toy Ploy, Coach Roach, Blackbear, Amazing Bongo Brothers, Pierre LeSly, Count von Crankenstein, Professor Hate, Mouse Louse, Dr. Glueco, Cardinal Poreleau, Yulesinner, Aristotle Beastly, Blooperman, Galacto Known Relatives: None Aliases: None Base of Operations: "The 3 Stooges Junk Company," unidentified U.S. city First Appearance: The Robonic Stooges, part of The Skatebirds (Hanna-Barbera, September 10th, 1977) Powers/Abilities: Curly is a robot who possesses telescopic limbs and a telescopic neck. He has a level of superhuman strength, and his chest unit is hollow and holds a variety of gadgets, accessible through the letter on his chest. He can inflate his body like a balloon. Height: History: Comments: Voiced by Frank Welker.
Real Name: Moe Identity/Class: Robot Occupation: Superhero Group Membership: The Robonic Stooges Affiliations: Superhero Employment Agency Enemies: Professor Cluck, Ugh the Pug, Shark Yo Yo, Dr. Crackula, Ludwig Lillyput, Klondike Mike, Mother Goose, Tricker Mortis, Ethel Methel, Mr. Toy Ploy, Coach Roach, Blackbear, Amazing Bongo Brothers, Pierre LeSly, Count von Crankenstein, Professor Hate, Mouse Louse, Dr. Glueco, Cardinal Poreleau, Yulesinner, Aristotle Beastly, Blooperman, Galacto Known Relatives: None Aliases: None Base of Operations: "The 3 Stooges Junk Company," unidentified U.S. city First Appearance: The Robonic Stooges, part of The Skatebirds (Hanna-Barbera, September 10th, 1977) Powers/Abilities: Moe is a robot who possesses telescopic limbs and a telescopic neck. He has a level of superhuman strength, and his chest unit is hollow and holds a variety of gadgets, accessible through the letter on his chest. Height: History: Comments: Voiced by Paul Winchell.
The Robonic Stooges should not be confused with:
First Posted: Circa 19/09/2003
Last updated: 13/11/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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